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Will Varner

Hi there! My name‘s Will, a student developer with a passion for all things tech. I love working with an array of things, from learning a new programming language to 3D-printing a wireless 3-in-one charger. This site acts as my hub for storing all my works, from software development to video production, everything Will can be found here, or open source on my Github Page.

Will Varner

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Will Varner

Will Varner

Hi there! My name‘s Will, a student developer with a passion for all things tech. I love working with an array of things, from learning a new programming language to 3D-printing a wireless 3-in-one charger. This site acts as my hub for storing all my works, from software development to video production, everything Will can be found here, or open source on my Github Page.

Check out some of my work!
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